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The Apostle Paul's Missionary Journeys

This map is part of a series of 4 animated maps showing the history of History of Christianity.

Paul, known as the 13th apostle, was the most successful disciple in opening the new Christian Church to the ‘Gentiles’ that is the non-Jews.

His journeys bear witness to the spread of Judeo-Christianity beyond Palestine by the middle of the first century. They are described in the Acts of the Apostles, although there are sometimes discrepancies between the various accounts.

The first voyage lasted from 45 to 49 AD, and Paul was accompanied by two other evangelists, Barnabas and John Mark. After leaving Antioch, the three men apparently went to Cyprus and then travelled to Asia Minor. In particular, they visited Perga, Pisidian Antioch, and then Derbe. Their return journey followed the same route as far as Perga, where they sailed directly to Antioch.

For his second voyage, Paul travelled with Silas, a member of the Christian community in Jerusalem, probably between 50 and 52 AD. After leaving Antioch, Paul crossed Asia Minor via Tarsus, Lystra, Pisidian Antioch, to the port of Troas. He then sailed to Macedonia and, from there travelled to Greece, where he stayed for a while in Athens and Corinth. The next stage of his journey took him to Ephesus, where he boarded a ship for Antioch, visiting Caeserea on the way.

During his third voyage, between 53 and 58 AD, Paul again travelled across Asia Minor. He probably stayed in Ephesus for three years and then made a second visit to communities in Macedonia and Greece. On his return journey, he stayed a while in Miletus and Rhodes before travelling to Tyre and Caesarea and returning to Jerusalem. Here, he was arrested at the request of the Jewish authorities between 58 and 60 AD.

Paul was sent to Rome for judgment, where there was already a thriving Judeo-Christian community. Little is known about the date and circumstances of his death.  It might have occurred in 64 AD, shortly after Rome was destroyed by fire, or a few years later in 67 AD.