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View series: Europe and nations, 1815-1914

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Uprisings after the Congress of Vienna

This map is part of a series of 24 animated maps showing the history of Europe and nations, 1815-1914.

Uprisings after the Congress of ViennaThe political map of Europe drawn up during the Congress of Vienna is quickly contested, despite the efforts of the European powers, working together as the Holy Alliance, to avoid any challenge to the established order.

-In the Balkans, the Serbs trigger an uprising against the Ottomans in 1815, and obtain a basic form of autonomy; in 1821, an insurrection in Moldavia and Wallachia fails, but the war launched this same year by the Greeks opens the way to independence in 1830.

-In the West, movements of liberal persuasion contest the politics of return to the Old Order. The first tensions appear in Germany, where, from 1817, student demonstrations inflame passions. In 1820, the rulers of Spain, and then those of the Two Sicilies are forced to accord their peoples a constitution.

These first movements are quickly repressed: Austrian troops intervene in Germany and Italy; French troops intervene in Spain.

But, in July of 1830, the fall of the Bourbons in France reignites protest in Europe.

At the announcement of the Parisian insurrection, the Belgians rise up against William I of Holland. In November, the Poles drive out the czar’s brother, while the unrest spreads to several German and Italian states.

Located in the area of Franco-English influence, Belgium achieves its independence, but German and Italian liberals, and Polish patriots are hindered by the entente between Prussia, Austria and Russia to abort any liberal or national movement. Once again, Austrian troops enter Italy, while the czar’s army retakes Warsaw.